Dr. Sherry Buffington
Motivate – Influence – Energize – Engage
AIM is an acronym for Applied Intrinsic Motivation, a system for quickly and effectively building a high performance, self-driven workforce.

Intrinsically Motivated People are as much as 8 times more effective than disengaged employees. Disengaged employees make up approximately 73% of the U. S. workforce according to Gallup polls. With AIM even disengaged or problematic employees can be quickly redirected and become self-driven, high performance, dedicate workers who regularly outshine their peers. Extrinsic motivation is short-lived and costly to sustain where intrinsic motivation is self-sustaining and it frees up leaders and managers so they too are more productive with less effort.
Influence is the most powerful asset a leader or salesperson can have. Discover the elements of true influence and how to put them to work for you immediately. Energize your people and your whole organization takes on new life. Discover the core factors for keeping your people energized and performing to their highest potential. Engage your people in and get the best from employees of every generation them every hour of every day.
Leadership, Exceptional Performance, and Employee Effectiveness
- Motivate, Engage, and Energize Your Workforce
- Get the Right People in the Right Seats
- Consistently Get the Best From Every Employee
- Maximize Performance Immediately and Long-term
- Shine as an Inter-Generational Leader
Get Out of Your Own Way and Claim Your Greatness
- Discover Your True Passion and Purpose
- Get Real – Remove the Mask of Conditioning and Discover Your Authentic Self
- Live the Life You Were Meant to Live
- Find Meaningful Work
- Have Happy, Healthy Relationships
- Discover and Develop the 7 Essential Qualities for Lasting Success
- Learn how to Use the Infallible Laws of Nature to Guarantee Success
- Eliminate Blocks that Hold You Back
- Instantly update brain patterns so you are living full out and free of limitations
Quickly, Easily and Permanently Remove:
- Old habits and patterns that block success
- Fear
- Limiting beliefs
- Worry, doubt, grief
- Anxiety
- Anger issues
- Low Emotional Intelligence
- Depression
- Lethargy
- and more